Events Jersey will welcome the seventh CONIFA AGM to Jersey in January 2020.
CONIFA, the Confederation of Independent Football Associations, is the football federation for all associations outside FIFA.
CONIFA is a global acting non-profit organisation that supports representatives of international football teams from nations, de-facto nations, regions, minority peoples and sports isolated territories.
In partnership with Parishes of Jersey FC and Grand Jersey Hotel & Spa, Events Jersey will host over 50 delegates to the island on 25 – 26 January 2020 for the annual AGM.
Sascha Düerkop, General Secretary of CONIFA, said:
“CONIFA is really looking forward to bringing its annual AGM to Jersey. This is an important event for CONIFA; it is a weekend where we set our priorities for the year ahead and ensure our member FAs have their voices heard as part of our internal governance procedures.
As well as all the hard work, it is also a chance for CONIFA members to meet each other, share ideas and views, and discuss the prior 12 months. With that in mind, it is important we meet in an environment that fosters this spirit, encourages creative thinking and ensures our members from across the globe get the chance to experience a different cultural viewpoint.
We have no doubt that Jersey, with its rich history, fantastic cultural opportunities, island traditions and footballing heritage is the perfect place for the 2020 CONIFA AGM to take place. It is the home of one of our teams – Parishes of Jersey Football Club – and we are happy to join them for a fruitful weekend.
We also look forward to spending time learning more about the island and using it as a base to plan the next 12 months of CONIFA activities. Thank you to Events Jersey for hosting us and for making us feel so welcome!”
James Blower, President of Parishes of Jersey FC, commented:
“I am thrilled that the CONIFA Executive Committee voted to hold their AGM here in Jersey in January 2020. This is a testament to the hard work from the great team we have been involved with in Parishes of Jersey FC and everyone at Events Jersey, who have been enormously supportive and recognised the benefits for Jersey from our CONIFA membership. We look forward to showcasing both the island of Jersey and our potential as hosts of a European Football Cup to their Executive.”
On behalf of Events Jersey, Economic Development Tourism, Sport and Culture Minister, Senator Lyndon Farnham welcomed CONIFA to the island:
“As we develop Jersey’s events portfolio, we are delighted to host CONIFA’s members for the annual AGM. Welcoming events such as this help address the island’s seasonality challenge and align with Jersey’s Destination Plan. By delivering experiences that generate and create lasting memories for the visitors, we can demonstrate the island’s sporting credentials and pitch Jersey as a prospective host location for future sporting events”.